All Power Seminars
Lead America
National Rifle Association
American Seniors
Christian Coalition
Susan B. Anthony
Faith & Freedom Coalition
Public Opinion Strategies
Century Strategies
Millennium Consulting
Carlyle Gregory & Company
National Republican Congressional Committee
Republican National Committee
Republican Party of Virginia
Republican Party of Florida
Republican Party of Georgia
George Bush for President
U.S. Senator George Allen (VA)
U.S. Senator John Warner (VA)
U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (FL)
Congressman Clay Shaw (FL)
Congressman Tom DeLay (TX)
Congressman Tom Davis (VA)
Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis (VA)
Congressman Rick Lazio (NY)
Congressman Scott Rigell (VA)
Congresswoman Ann Northup (KY)
Congressman Bob Goodlatte (VA)
Congressman Randy Forbes (VA)
Congressman Bud Shuster (PA)
Congressman Morgan Griffith (VA)
Governor Bob McDonnell (VA)
Governor Jim Gilmore (VA)
Governor Tom Ridge (PA)
Lt. Governor Bill Bolling (VA)
Lt. Governor John Hager (VA)
Delegate Amanda Batten (VA)
Delegate David LaRock (VA)
Delegate Rob Bell (VA)
Delegate Tim Hugo (VA)
Delegate Terrie Suit (VA)
Delegate Chris Jones (VA)
Delegate Jim LeMunyon (VA)
Delegate Glen Oder (VA)
Delegate Charles Poindexter (VA)
Delegate Ben Cline (VA)
State Representative Chris Dorworth (FL)
State Representative Eric Eisnaugle (FL)
State Senator Andy Gardiner (FL)
State Senator Dick Black (VA)
State Senator Greg Evers (FL)
State Senator Mark Obenshain (VA)
State Senator Stephen Martin (VA)
State Senator Harry Blevins (VA)
State Senator Bill Stanley (VA)
Orlando Mayor Teresa Jacobs

“I have been extremely pleased with the personal attention Robert Randolph gives my political clients. He does great work at a great price.”
Carlyle Gregory

“American Marketing & Publishing, Inc. has the three criteras for a great direct mail company: creative, fast, and affordable.”
Delegate Tim Hugo